Sunday, January 18, 2009

Super Brian's Kryptonite

Last Sunday I got a new laptop. We turned down the opportunity to have the Geek Squad come and hook it up for $100.

We couldn't get it to work. We could hook it up to our internet connection but couldn't get out onto the web.

Friday night Super Brian came over to fix it. He replaced our router. He spent 3 hours working on it. He couldn't fix it. He tried. He stayed until after 11:00 PM. I think he went home and cried. He had found his kryptonite.

Saturday I could hook up to the internet!!! Super Brian HAD fixed it--or so I thought for a little while. But I was soon booted off. After trial and error all day, it seemed that if another computer was running or the phone was being used, I couldn't get on. Later in the evening, when I was home alone with no phone being used and no other computers turned on, it still wasn't working.

It really was Super Brian's kryptonite.

So tomorrow the Geek Squad will be coming out in an attempt to fix it-for $100. Maybe it's their kryptonite too. If they can't replace it, we'll return it. The Geek guy (also referred to as an "agent") said it could be a Vista/XP thing. Whatever!

Maybe that beautiful new laptop is my kryptonite too!!!

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