Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Laptop Update

Let's see...

Yesterday the geek squad came over. First of all, they are referred to as "agents". He put our OLD router back on, so Rich boxed up the new router to return to Walmart. He spent 2 hours trying to get my laptop to: A--consistently hook up to the internet, and B--find my printer. It wouldn't do either. He did have to call his boss, who I assumed was the "secret agent" a couple of times. Eventually he ruled out "human error" but just couldn't bring himself to admit that it was a faulty computer. In the process of jumping back and forth between the Vista laptop and the XP desktop, he did fix the desktop, and it's now letting me stay online and everything!!! Love that. Finally, at about 6 PM (he'd been here since about 4), the "secret agent" called and told him to reschedule. Today the "secret agent" is coming over, but he's not called a "secret agent" with the Geek Squad (that's just what I call him). His true title is--are you ready?--DOUBLE AGENT! I am NOT kidding!

The second thing, when I got home from work yesterday, the Geek Squad car was parked out front. I was a little embarrassed by this because most of my neighbors know I work in a computer lab. "She works in a computer lab but can't fix her own computer?" You have no idea!!! Luckily, he was parked more in front of my neighbor's house than my house, so hopefully, they think he was at the neighbor's house!!! And he did take his shoes off when he came in!

We'll see if the Double Agent can handle my kryptonite-laden computer!

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