Sunday, January 25, 2009

Zac Efron Update

Even from hundreds of miles away and many years later, I'm still causing trouble for my little sister! And her daughter is causing trouble for her little sister! Here's part two of the Zac Efron saga as it unfolds...

Libby emails me the following:

Ariana was wanting to write you back but she gets ready and decides she just doesn't know how to tell you about Zac not wanting to marry you without hurting your feelings! She likes you way too much! So we'll see what she comes up with. I asked her why Zac couldn't marry you and she said, "Because when we get older our skin gets crinkly!" Anyway, as she's admiring her letter some more Mariah decides to go upstairs write herself a letter "allegedly" from you, puts it in an envelope and everything. She waits for Ariana to go to the bathroom and dashes outside to act like she got it out of the mailbox! She comes in and starts reading it. It goes on and on about how Mariah is the most beautiful of all and how Zac will marry Mariah because she's more beautiful etc. etc. Ariana threw a fit, screaming and crying!!!! Eventually Mariah told her is was a joke and then she was find! KIDS!

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