Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A new post

Mary Beth says I need a new post. I guess it has been about 2 weeks. But I'm back at work now and so don't have time to focus on the insignificant as much. Mind you, the blog is not insignificant, but most of my postings are!

I got a new computer--a laptop--and as soon as SUPER BRIAN comes over to fix it, I'll be blogging from it. Right now it's got some glitch that won't let me hook up to the Internet. Maybe the king really bought one without Internet connection so I can't be on the computer all the time!!

So that's it from here. Blog post completed. And, in case SUPER BRIAN happens to read this post, I had chili for lunch!


Anonymous said...

WHAT? Where is the funny dinner story?

Mary Beth said...

Whew! I was hoping for a new post. SB will fix your new gadget and you'll be on line in no time.