Thursday, January 1, 2009


When you play Karaoke Revolution, if you're really bad you get booed (or rained) off the stage. Being the gifted vocalist that I am, that's never happened to me--yet!

I figured my vocal abilities would translate into equally awesome guitar abilities so when I took my first turn at Guitar Hero-Aerosmith the other day, I was a little surprised to find that I was not very good and that, sure enough, Joe Perry threw down his guitar, Steven Tyler threw down the microphone stand, and the band WALKED OFF THE STAGE during my "Sweet Emotion" solo!!!

The prince had to then put me in "practice" mode so I wouldn't feel like such a loser. But sooner or later, with a lot of practice (you know, when I'm 13 again and have lots of extra time), I'm gonna totally ROCK that song!


Mary Beth said...
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Anonymous said...

Bless the little children for they shall inherit the earth (& beat their elders at Wii games.)