Tuesday, August 10, 2010


The princess was off to dance camp yesterday at about 8:30 (think band camp only cooler). She came home exhausted and limping because her feet hurt at 4:30. Today she's there until 5:00! Will she survive this week?

The prince was off to cheer practice at 6:00 AM today. I'm going to need a lot of coffee. Hopefully time will coordinate properly, and he'll get done in time for me to pick him up, run him home, load her up, carpool with two other girls, and get them all to dance camp during 8:00 traffic ON TIME! It could happen...

It didn't happen. The prince had to catch a ride home with another cheer mom! Maybe tomorrow...

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Oh Man - that's quite a morning. You should let me take the girls in the morning when there is cheer camp involved.