Friday, August 20, 2010

It's Fair Week!

It's Fair week. The prince bought a value pass that gets him in daily and to all the night shows. He's seen the Scorpions, Hinder, Finger 11, motocross, and a rodeo. He's also done the rides several night. He still has to get up at 5:30 for cheer practice everyday so he's rather fond of naps this week!

The princess danced at the fair on Tuesday. It was buddy night! Not a good night to be at the fair. Two for one gate admission and ride passes made it impossible to get into the parking area, let alone park! But we managed with 10 minutes to spare! She dances again Saturday afternoon. It's only supposed to be 95*!!! She went last night with a dance friend and they stayed until the last ride closed at midnight. She's still sleeping. She gets to ride again Saturday night. The fair leaves town Sunday, and I am off to school it should be!

And that concludes our summer!

The dance hadn't started yet, but something was funny.
This was part of The Devil Went Down to Georgia.

Footloose--a little tap for your enjoyment!

Halo--I thought this was a pretty cool shot!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Good thing I didn't plan on coming for your fair this year since my kids started school yesterday!