Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Good One!

School doesn't start until Thursday, but today I have two "kid" stories, which both happened to kids whose parents I know. Both girls are high school students.

Student #1 (starting her Jr. year) texted her mom the other day with this message: I am trying to use my debit card, but it won't work. I think someone stole my personality.

Student #2 (starting sophomore year) just got her driver's license and can now drive without a parent in the car. Shortly after getting that license she was pulled over when a cop saw her swerving in her lane. Upon pulling her over he asked her if she had been drinking. Looking aghast, she said to him, "NO. I was picking my nose!" He cracked up laughing and and let her off with a warning!

I dare you to try that next time you are pulled over.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the laughs! You give that one a try and let me know how it goes... :)

J said...

I'm pleased to see the school year is off to a great and storied start! Looking forward to more!