Friday, August 13, 2010

What's next on our list?

Last night a friend emailed to say that she had just gotten caught up on the blog and, "Could you be any busier?" That's kind of funny because she didn't know how busy I was yesterday or that I was planning to blog it today. So yes, Jeanette, I could be busier.

Yesterday morning at a glance:

5:30-WAKE UP
5:50-Take the prince to cheer
6:10-7:45-Drink coffee, check email, do blog entry, check to-do list, get banking stuff ready, make sure princess is up and has breakfast and all her dance stuff and her lunch stuff ready...
7:45-Back to the highschool, princess is with me too, pick up prince, stop by MB's to pick up two other riders, head to dance camp
8:20-Drop dancers off at camp, and head to the dermatologist's office with a stop at McDonald's on the way for the prince who would love an Egg McMuffin.

Here is where the day gets a little wacky as it's only 8:30. We are in the center of town. He has his appointment at 9:30, also in the center of town. It's not enough time to go home, and there aren't many places open that I'm in need of at this time. Not one to sip his O.J., we decide to head to the doctor's so are there 35 minutes know, to that place that often keeps you waiting...

9:30-Get in to see the doctor, right on time. She prescribes some medicine for the prince so off we go to Walmart, with a stop at the bank, which takes about 15 minutes. Who knew it would take that long to let the machine count $13 in change!
10:50-The Walmart pharmacy gal says, "That'll be about 45 minutes." Really? More waiting? So we wonder around, spend way more time in the electronics department than is my nature, and then pick up a few groceries and socks and underwear for the prince--school's about to start, and nothing says "first day of school" like new undies!
11:15-Decide to check and see if maybe the prescription is filled. It is! Yippee! Run home to drop off groceries.
11:35-Still with prince, head to Subway because I've promised the princess I will bring her lunch. Head back to center of town.
11:55-Arrive at dance camp and get to watch the last few minutes of a hip-hop session. The dance teacher is filming the combo they just learned, and she chooses several kids from the princess's studio (the princess included) to be in the video. Sweet.
12:10-Leave studio and head to Hastings...because the prince has to have new guitar strings, and we're sort of in the neighborhood, and I didn't think of that at 8:30 when we were trying to kill time, and they might have even been open then...maybe even open 24 hours?
12:12-Phone rings, "you gave me the wrong sandwich." Really? Great! "We'll be right there."
12:15-Drop off correct sandwich and head to Hastings.
12:40-Done at Hastings. Me: Where should we go to eat these sandwiches? Prince: Home? Me: O.K.
1:05-Get home and finally eat our now warmish sandwiches. Ewww...

So yes, I could be busier. The afternoon was not hectic in that way. I did not have to leave the house again. We all ate dinner together. I got to watch Big Brother. And today won't be quite as crazy. I look at it as practice for when I go back to work and the kids go back to school in a couple of week! :) A couple of weeks? Make that one week for me and a week and a half for them! Yikes!

The good thing in all this driving here, there, and yonder is that the prince did the driving, got lots of good practice in busy morning traffic, and logged about one hour and 45 minutes of driving yesterday! Yes, you heard me right, much of the morning was spend IN THE CAR!!!


Shelley said...


J said...

Well, you convinced me! You got busier...I think the royal family should send the Queen on a VACATION :-)

Karen L said...

There should be at least two of you. Will be nice when Mitch can drive by himself.