Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dance Workshop

The princess spent this past week at a dance-intensive-workshop. That's a fancy name for "dance camp." She had a great time. She learned a lot from professional dancers brought in from Phoenix, California, and Washington (I think) in the areas of jazz, ballet, hip hop, contemporary, and modern. What's the difference between contemporary and modern, you ask? According to one of the instructors, if she made it up that day, it's contemporary! :)

Monday was the hardest day. They were all so sore by the end of the day. But by the end of the week, the princess had started skipping one class to attend a higher level class she liked more. I don't know if the director knew this was going on, but no one seemed to really mind so...

Friday afternoon they did a quick "show" to show-off the combos they had learned. Here are a few photos. As usual, my camera doesn't do well in gyms, or with moving targets, so excuse the quality of the photos.

Ballet is not her favorite!

She's growing out her bangs!

Work it!

Show me some strut!

1 comment:

Karen L. said...

Love it!