Tuesday, May 31, 2011

About "House Rules" By Jodi Picoult

I am hit or miss with Jodi Picoult. I think she often tries to have too surprising an ending to her books. (Did you know that they changed the ending on the movie "My Sister's Keeper" when they adapted it from her book because audiences didn't like the book ending?) So I'm always skeptical when I pick up one of her books. "House Rules" drew me in because it's about a high-school-age boy with Asperger's Syndrome. Working at a school, I know kids like this kid and was curious to learn more. I think she did a great job of explaining the syndrome, though she would often speak as that character and seemed to give him abilities he wouldn't really have by the definition of Asperger's that she had previously defined. Anyhoo...this book started out getting only 1 star. It's a slow starter, people. In the middle though I was totally hooked and decided it was worthy of 3 stars. In the end (mostly because of the ending), it got bumped back down to 2 stars. I contemplated only giving it 1 star because I HATE the ending. I won't give the ending away, because I'd love to talk to someone who has read it. Let's discuss!

1 comment:

J said...

Haven't read it, but perhaps I will. I totally agree with you about Picoult. Some days she works & some days not so much!!