Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Early Birthday!

Both kids are fond of reminding me that they are only following my lead when they suggest that we celebrate their birthdays for a month! In fact, the prince now refers to May as his birthday month. Because of a crazy schedule, we celebrated his birthday Sunday. Grandma, Aunt Kathi, and Uncle Rick joined us for cake and presents. Sixteen! Where's my baby?

This is the only non-cash gift he received--a fuel card.

That's a lot of smoke!

Love you!


J said...

That is a cool lookin' cake!! Enjoy your birthday month.....

Shelley said...

Sorry to be stealing your parents on your REAL birthday, Mitch. Hope you have a GREAT day!

Mary Beth said...

Birthday should be celebrated all month! Hope your early bday was fun and the 'real' birthday is great! Happy sweet 16!