Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Interview

The prince had an interview at Chuck E. Cheese yesterday. He must be up for a very important position because he has to go back today for a second interview. What the heck??? Maybe you need a second interview if you are wearing the rat suit. Maybe they see him as "management material". Who knows, but he's going back in today. Aside from two track practices that he's had to miss for this POSSIBLE employment, he only has one polo shirt so I had to iron his one button down shirt for this second interview. Hope there isn't a 3rd interview. He'll have to wear his one suit!


Shelley said...

Great that he might have a job! But bummer it's soooooooooooooo far from your house. Or is there more than one Chuck E Cheese there? I'm thinking the one I know is out by West High??

Anonymous said...

Nope. Only one. I think he'll keep trying for jobs closer to home, but they are really good about working around school schedules, and if he works enough to pay his gas and then some, it'll be okay. Not sure what it pays. Not sure he'll get hired! :) SL