Sunday, May 22, 2011

Misc. Wedding Shots

These photos aren't great...some were taken with my cell phone, but I wanted to post them so I could get them off my desktop. Lots of photos to organize! A more organized posting (or several) will come later...when I get a know...when school's out in a couple of weeks.

There was an open house for the bride and groom on Thursday night. Many a frosted cookie were served. Andy was enjoying them. We took this to send to his cousins to make them jealous that they weren't there for the unlimited cookies. :)

Liz, getting ready for some outdoor photos--inbetween rain bursts.

Matt, entertaining himself and his soon-to-be nephew while waiting on his bride. Get used to waiting, Buddy.

This photo doesn't do justice to the flowers. They were real and bright. Still, wedding cake...YUM!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

I just finished posting lots on FB if you need to steal any! Thanks again for EVERYTHING. You and mom saved me!