Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Going to miss them!

The king and I are off to celebrate a royal wedding in the land of Utah. These two are staying home (but not alone, as they requested). I will miss them and all the fun they will have while we are gone...a birthday, a pops concert, dance photos, preparations for the ballet recital...

What's a mom to do? Yep, Mom guilt! Good thing there's Grandma, Aunt Kathi, and their other mother--Mary Beth--to help me out!


Shelley said...

Sooooooooooooo happy they are sharing you with us. Soooooooo happy you are coming. We love you ALL!

Unknown said...

Enjoy your trip. I know they're in great hands!

Mary Beth said...

So far so good - hope the trip down was quick. Have a great time!