Thursday, December 27, 2007

Happy New Year

From our kingdom to yours, have a very Happy New Year!


The prince, looking studious and oh, so handsome in his new specs! He's loving them, but then, he hasn't been to school yet and gotten any razzin' from his peeps!

Dancing Queen

Here's the princess, looking HOT HOT HOT in her cool dance outfit and also a photo of her in action. This sistah has got it goin' on!

Final (hopefully) Moped Update!

As the photo indicates, the king is too big for the moped. Although it says it'll support 250#, and he SWEARS the problem was that there wasn't enough air in the tires, what you're looking at is a sad, sad day--really, I had tears rolling down my face as I took the photos (okay, I was laughing my butt off, and the tears were a result of that...)--as the king had to push his moped up the hill the way a toddler would "peddle" a trike up hill. The prince was also too big for the moped though he could get up the hill. It really only "fits" the princess! Se La Vi!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Drunken Daughter

I'm at work today, and the princess is doing a VIP presentation. Totally in her element. All about her. She's showing the medal she got for singing in a talent show on the cruise ship. She tells the kids that the kid center is where you go, and I quote, "WHEN YOU PARENTS WANT TO GO TO THE BAR." Her teacher was cracking up laughing.
She then points to a picture of herself, holding a strawberry daiquiri, and tells the kids, "It didn't have any alcohol."
A couple of hours later, she gets in the van and gets very excited to hear her FAVORITE song playing--Whiskey Lullaby.
I give up!!!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Royal Treatment

The king is currently in "sunny" Florida--well, maybe not so sunny. When he arrived he called to say it was only 60* there. At the time, it was 58* here. I said, "So you flew 2000 miles for 2 degrees!" It's warmer there now and much colder here so I guess he's the winner, anyway!
Speaking of winning--his Boise service center was named "Service Center of the Year"!!! He knew he was in the running for it, but didn't find out until Wednesday night when they handed out awards!! YIPPEE for him. One of his employees in Billings was one of the top Employees of the Year too! It's very nice for him to get some recognition for all his hard work.
They worked at a YMCA Camp Service Project yesterday. He said he's never seen cockroaches that big except for in display cases!! Meetings this morning and a tour of the area this afternoon. More meetings Saturday, and he flys home Sunday. He's got to be up at 3 AM FL time to catch his flight. He'll be sleeping in his chair by 5 PM our time!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Low Rider

If Rich's knees--in relation to the size of the bike--aren't enough, the tall boy should give you an idea of just how "LARGE" this beast is!!
I was able to get him to pose for you--on the bike. He's nothing if not politically correct!
Too much snow to fire this baby up. So sing along with us instead:
Slow Ride...
Take it Easy...
or maybe
Low rider, take a little trip, take a little trip...
or maybe
I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys R Us kid...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gobble, Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

A sad tale to tell

The king is having a midlife crisis.

How do I know?

The princess was looking at mopeds online the other day and the king SHOVED her off the computer (not really, but you know what I mean) and started looking. Next thing you know, he's telling me he just put a bid on a snazzy, silver moped.

And not just any moped, either. This baby has speeds of up to TWENTY miles per hour. That's right, baby. SPEED!

The item still had 5 days of auction left so he and the princess waited...and waited...and waited.

Alas, with 2 days left, the king decided he didn't really want the moped, hadn't thought it through, buyers remorse, mid-life thingy on hold...

"Too bad," I replied a little snottily. "You have entered into the EBAY contract (theme music to Jaws should be playing now). A bid, once placed, can not be undone." He came up with all kinds of plans to renig. But I wasn't going for any of that as he'd bid using MY user-name! I can't have my good Ebay reputation tarnished!

Alas, he was the high bidder. Our shiny, new moped--with speeds of up to TWENTY miles per hour (incase you didn't catch that the first time!) will be here in the week. The king assures me he'll ride it to work...just as soon as it's licensed, insured, and he gets himself a helmet.

I guess I should be glad he didn't see a Harley there--or maybe I should be unhappy--at least he might look "COOL" on a Harley. Ain't happenin' on the moped!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Driftin' Along with the Tumblin' Tumbleweed

Oh how I wish I had a photo to prove it.
We had a terrible wind storm blow through Sunday night and all day Monday/Tuesday. My neighbor's truck caught on fire at 4:00 am on Tuesday morning (I'm not quite sure how that happened, something electrical), but he called the fire department, and we didn't even hear the sirens whaling because the wind was so loud! Scary. Luckily, the fire didn't spread to the field the truck was parked in front of (directly across the street from me), his house, or my house. We're very lucky, because those winds were fierce.
Along with the wind and the fire, came the tumbleweed. It's an on-going battle, and we laugh when they invade a neighbor's yard and not ours. Well, they were laughing at us Tuesday afternoon. I kid you not, our entire front porch was FULL of tumbleweeds. Ten feet high and 6 feet square--or whatever my porch measures!
A neighbor brought the prince home from school (because I was at school late with the princess), and he couldn't get through them to get in the house. He called me later to tell me he was back at the neighbor's house. It took the king and the kids over 15 minutes to dig it out later and haul them across the street to the empty lot! Unbelievable!
We had a little more wind last night so that the tumbleweeds are no longer in that lot. I'm not sure where they went, but they aren't in our yard either! Don't get me wrong, there are plenty more in our yard, but they were already there before last night! Go figure.
Does anyone out there know what a tumbleweed really is? What was it before it died, dried out, and started drifting????

Sunday, November 4, 2007


It was a night like any other night at the White House. George and Laura were celebrating Halloween quietly until George got a wild hair...(so to speak!)

Check out George dressed up like Steven Tyler of Aerosmith and George dressed up as Kotter from Welcome Back Kotter!

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Birthday funny!

The king and I went to have lunch with the princess today in celebration of her birthday. I invited another boy from her class to sit with us as he was his birthday too. We were talking about parties, gifts they hoped for, and whatnot when I asked the boy what kind of cake he was going to have.
He promptly and confidently said, "German Shepard."
"What?" I was sure I'd heard him wrong.
"German Shepard."
Now totally confused he said, "You know, the kind with the coconut."
A smile slowly dawned on his face and he said, "Oh...yeah."

Sunday, October 28, 2007

We're back!

We had a great trip. No photos of us with Mickey. I don't know what happened, but we seem to have missed him somewhere along the line. We did see Shrek, Cruela Deville, and The Mummy, so enjoy those photos instead!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Let the fun begin!

Magical DREAMS!

Counting in hours

We'll be in sunny California in 26 hours--yeah, we get there at 9:30 AM and have to get out butts out of bed at 4 AM!!!

Friday, October 12, 2007


Two more days until the Disneyfest begins!!! Happiest Place on Earth, here we come. And we are more than ready to have you spread a little happiness on us!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Disney Update

It's getting closer and closer--only 17 more days until Disney!

Monday, September 24, 2007

"I suck at reading"

A 4th grade class was working in my lab, testing in math and reading the other day. One boy raised his hand and said, "I'm done with my math test."
I looked at the test and said, "You mean you're done with your reading test."
He looked at me and said, "Yeah, I suck at reading."

I guess so!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Black Widow

The king was helping to blow out the King Mother's sprinkler lines today, and put his hand in a hole in the ground where out crawled this Black Widow Spider. That bright red spot is her hour glass spot. YIKES! She's about as large as 1/3 of my index finger! She's dead now but was alive when the photo was taken. The princess is taking her to school tomorrow. I hope to never see her, or her kind, again!

Wake Up Call

What did you wake up to this morning?
Your alarm clock? The phone? Your kids fighting? Your spouse tooting?
I woke up to geese honking today.
But a couple of days ago I woke up to cows mooing.
A few days earlier, it was the middle of the night, and coyotes howling woke me up.
It's odd to live in the country IN THE CITY!
We watch the antelope play regularly. Horses and cows pasture behind us. Deer are also our neighbors, and lets not forget the skunk I saw crossing the road the other night. I didn't SMELL him, just saw him!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Funny Story!

We've been back at school for a couple of weeks now. Our school went to all day, every day kindergarten this year and had to find the space (we are very over-crowded right now) for several new classrooms. We are in the process of building a new Middle school, which will open next fall. Meanwhile, there are rooms all over the buildings that are sort of out of place. For example, in my building of 3, 4, and 5th graders, you'll find 3 kindergarten rooms, offices for the Yellowstone Valley Coop (they run the Special Ed. services at our school including speech therapy, physical therapy, etc), and offices for the Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch (a mental health facility which helps out-patients in our school). Also, next door to my lab is the Middle School computer lab, and finally, the Family Resource Center--a community outreach/support program. Lockwood has definitely got it going on!
So when the kindergartners moved in this fall, we were looking forward to lots of fun with and stories to tell about those little people. Turns out, though they run away sometimes and are really noisy in the bathroom, they aren't all that fun!
So I then turned to my current 3, 4, and 5th graders for good story material, and again, they mostly just bug me. No great stories to share yet.
Fortunately, I was saved by one of the teachers. She teaches 3rd grade and caught me in the hall on about the second day of school. This was her story:
"You know, I came into school the week before school started, was fixing my room up, and thought, 'I love teaching. I'm so glad I'm a teacher.' I got my room ready, got excited about the upcoming year, made a class list, and was ready to go. Then school started, the kids showed up, chaos was everywhere, my room is full of ADHD children (most of them undiagnosed), and I thought, 'I don't love teaching. What I love is SUMMER VACATION!!!'"
So there you go, only 171 more teaching days until summer vacation!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Countdown to Disney!

We're starting to get excited! Only 6 weeks until our Disneyland adventure begins! Look out Micky, here we come!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First Day Of School!!

The prince has his schedule, the princess has about $1,000 in school supplies, and my lab is not even ready for children because I've been busy with meetings and testing incoming students for 2 days! Here we go...

Friday, August 24, 2007


The kids and I took in Hairspray yesterday. I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it!! I even had to go out and buy the soundtrack, and I bet I haven't done that since I was in high school and had to have the Grease and Saturday Night Fever soundtracks. I don't know, maybe it's a John Travolta thing!! I am pretty sure I smiled or laughed through the whole thing. I'm strongly hinting to my kids that they give me the DVD for Christmas!

Friday, August 17, 2007

A New Castle

We've moved. Thanks to the royal sister for coming many miles to our rescue and getting our house in a presentable condition. There is still some unpacking to do, and we're waiting for new furniture to come in a month or more for our living room, but mostly, we are sooo excited. The king likes the master bedroom best and says it feels like a hotel room. Guess that's because the queen doubles as the maid right now. She's not feeling the whole "hotel" thing so much! The kids have made the transition nicely--so far. They will continue at the school they went to before, so the whole "new school" anxiety is not there. I'm back to work for a bit today and then start "for real" next week in the mornings. The kids come back August 29. We had a great time in Utah and Arizona--didn't even melt in AZ, but we did spend lots of time in the pool and even had a fun morning on the jet skis! Come check out our new castle. We'd love to see you all!

Friday, July 27, 2007

UT Fun

The queen, prince, and princess are safely in Utah for the remainder of the week. I say, "safely" because it is a long drive! Since arriving in UT, we've had lots of fun at a Pioneer Days celebration--the princess even got to ride on a parade float and squirt a water gun at those of us who were sweatin' on the street! There was an awesome fireworks display to cap off the night. The kids have taken in a movie while the royal aunt and I shopped, and we had fun fishing and cooking hot dogs and making smores over an open fire last night. We plan to take in the new Harry Potter movie today. The fun never ends; I'm tellin' ya! Oh yeah, and the prince has been working with his royal uncle a bit as well--he's got his eye on a Nintendo DS. We'll be here a few more days before we head to the American Idol concert and then to AZ. We're looking forward to more fun in the sun down there. Then it's back home to move, move, move. Actually, the King will have most of that done before I ever make it back, and the kids are following a few days later with the royal aunt, who's coming to help hang drapes!!! Life is good!

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Things are a little in flux right now. We're over 75% packed and not sure if we're moving or not!!! It's all crazy, but hopefully it'll work out. I have little time for blogging but thought I'd better put an update up here. The kids are at a "Fear Factor" birthday party right now--in the 97* heat, eating cow tongue. And oddly enough, the princess was quite excited about this. There's a big squirt gun at steak so...More soccer practice tonight and then the competition begins Saturday morning. We're rolling along...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Horsy Carvo!

Tonight we were tooling down the road, the kids and I, with the music play an oldie but a goodie about Jose Cuervo--my favorite distillate when mixed with the proper Margarita mix, by the way. And in the back seat, singing with all her heart, is the princess, "And after 3 rounds of 'Horsy Carvo." Ah, to be young, innocent, and unaware of the power of Jose Cuervo! Cheers! Never fear, the less innocent Prince was able to correct her.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Another tall fish tale

Are you tired of fish stories yet? This one has nothing to do with Azul. Rather, this is the story of the great fish hunter. Early this month, the prince's uncle took him fishing. The prince is very interested in fishing although he doesn't particularly like fish. (Though he does enjoy a good fish stick with ketchup!). But the royal uncle was excited to take the prince fishing, so off they did go. They went near Huntly and fished the morning away. The prince caught a nice sized catfish, and the royal uncle was nearly pulled in by a giant carp--it's true--just ask them! Of course, the carp got away, but thus is the stuff fishing legends are made of! The prince was taught to clean and fillet the catfish. It's still in the fridge waiting for someone who likes fish to take it away. Still, the prince can't wait to go again--the sooner the better. Fish tales await...

Friday, July 6, 2007

Fish Whisperer Part II

We've spent the last week on a suicide watch for Azul. He seemed to, much like Paris Hilton, have gone on a hunger strike!! He did not like the pellets the princess was feeding him. He didn't eat for days. There was much worry and concern. Finally, the princess could take it no more, and we were forced to head off to the pet store in search of another kind of food. The pet store worker (a nice, middle-aged man as opposed to the scary 20-something at the cash register with his spiked hair, tattoos, and strange piercings) suggested "BLOOD WORMS" as that's what they fed the fish while it was in the store. YUM! We bought those, took them home, and glory, hallelujah, praise the Lord, and pass the blood worms--Azul is eating like a champ--or at least like a betta! We have now taken him off suicide watch and are much less worried about his current condition. We are a little worried about who might take care of him when we leave in a couple of weeks as most of our usual babysitters will also be gone for part of the time that we're gone!!! Such are the problems of pet owners.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Fish Whisperer

We have, it turns out, a fish whisperer in our family. The queen, of course, has no need for pets. The king has even less of a need for pets. But the princess, in spite of her many animal fears, would like a pet. She knew dogs and cats were out of the question--with family allergies and all. And she knew the queen would NEVER agree to rodents of any kind. She worked her magic on the queen slowly. Whispering about taking responsibility, always cleaning the bowl, even paying for all necessary equipment herself. The queen couldn't argue with that. Yesterday the princess went out to choose her fish. She knew she'd like a betta, as she'd had one of those years ago and already had a bowl. She also knew she'd like a blue betta. At Pet Smart she looked long at the various blue bettas. She eventually chose a beautiful male with feathery fins. She was even to pay the $6 for the male versus the $3 for the female because the males are so much more attractive. On the way home the fish whisperer named her betta "Azul" which is Spanish for "blue." Today, she decided her bowl wasn't GOOD ENOUGH for the beautiful betta so we headed off a closer pet store so that she could purchase the proper betta. Life is good for the fish whisperer. Of course, she's already talking about purchasing a second betta...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Check out the king! He was big on stilts as a kid and decided, Saturday, to make a pair for the prince and princess. The prince took to them right away. The princess is having a bit more trouble balancing, and it's really making her angry since it's rare that something doesn't come easily to her. Determination will get the better of her, and she'll get it eventually. For the king, it was riding a bike. He had no problem getting on them and walking around the drive way. And what did you do this weekend?

Friday, June 22, 2007

The end of solitude...

The kids will be home in 4.5 hours. I'm excited to see them and hear all about camp, but I really enjoyed the quiet! The poor prince has to work Saturday, Sunday, and Monday! No rest for him!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Good-bye royal family members...

We're sad to see our family head back to the land of Utah. We had a great visit with them. Lots of fun bowling, seeing movies, going to Helena, playing outside, going to the Monster Trucks...Good times!

Off to Camp!

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it's off to camp they go...

Is it wrong of me to be sooooooo excited that Mitch and Cara are going to camp at the SAME TIME this year? It's the only year it'll happen, so I feel like it's okay to be a little excited to see them go. I'll be taking them to the church to drop them off in about an hour. I'll have to stand in line (Lots of kids go to this camp) for many minutes (possibly 60 or more) but then, the freedom will begin. And I know they are safe at this camp, as Mitch has loved going for 2 years now, so I'm pretty sure it's okay for me to be excited to see them go! Hey, I have to pick them up at 2 on Friday, so it's not like they're really gone a whole week.

I'd better make sure they packed everything (one more time) because I'd hate to waste one of my free days driving stuff up to them!!!

Oh, and did I mention that Rich left this morning for Idaho???? He won't be back until Thursday evening. It's good to be queen!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Drivin' the Boat

On this year's trip to the Gates of the Mountain,
near Helena, Mitch and Cara got to
DRIVE THE BOAT!!! How cool are they?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


The royal family appreciates your patience as the queen entertains the royal aunt and nephews for a few more--funfilled--days! Then the queen will update the blog properly. In the meantime, maybe this will tide you over. The queen had this conversation between the prince, princess, and a royal nephew the other day.

Nephew: I'm glad I'm a boy.
Queen: Why?
Nephew: Because then I don't have to have a baby.
Queen: You don't have to if you don't want to. Just ask the princess if she's going to have a baby.
Nephew: Princess, are you going to have a baby someday?
Princess: Probably not.
Nephew: How does that happen. (Now, the nephew was really asking how it is that she has a choice, but the kids all thought he was asking how babies were made.)
Prince: You'll learn all about that in 5th grade.
Nephew: (Nephew is now catching on that we're not all talking about the same thing. Meanwhile the queen is ROYALLY cracking up during this exchange.) It sounds pretty gross to me.
Princess: Yeah, but it's not as gross when you're a grownup.

When they aren't fighting, they're really, really funny!!!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Brad Paisley

Check out BRAD! We passed 3 of his
equipment trucks near Whitehall, MT
last weekend. I checked his website
and didn't see that he was playing in
the area. Maybe it was a private
concert, and he meant for me to be
there, but my invitation got lost in
the mail! :)

Friday, June 1, 2007

Last Day of School

YIPPEE--the children all say. I have a great job so really haven't been counting the days. I'm looking forward to getting some things done around the house, having company, and traveling, but I wouldn't mind if school ran year-round, with breaks here and there! I don't have any classes coming to my lab today. I plan to tear it apart and rearrange my tables so that we'll be able to SEE each computer from where my computer is. It's a nightmare of logistics because most of my computers run off an airport, but a few still have to be plugged into phone jacks. I'm also putting rows of computers where there is no outlet so will have to run extension cords and hope the kids don't trip and unplug masses of computers. Plus, it just sounds like a lot of work. What was I thinking???? We only have a half day today, so I'm not sure I can get it all done. I started a little of it yesterday, but I still might have to go in tomorrow and finish. Wish me luck! It's rained ALL week-it's been a field trip nightmare at work. But we're up 2" over normal in moisture right now, which is such a relief. And we're looking forward to Shelley, Jared, and Andy coming to visit us mid-week next week. The princess is off to camp with friends over the weekend. The prince is looking forward to being an only child! Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Baptisms and Farewells

We watched tearfully (everyone was
tearful, and I'm not sure why) as
Andy was baptised. There were no
tears at the Farewell, maybe
because people weren't talking
about Matt--he did all the talking
and did a great job. And there was
a nice song by Becky too. What a fun
weekend! Good luck, Matthew.
You will be in our prayers.

Buzz Cut

Before and after photos of the prince getting a MUCH NEEDED
haircut--from one extreme to the other!

Monday, May 21, 2007

A Royal Birthday

Cool things about turning 12:

**Not one, but two cakes

**Getting lots of cash

**A new golf set

**Bowling with your friends

**Your mom promises that by fall, you can have your own email address

**You're one year away from getting to see PG-13 movies!!!!

Happy birthday to our "old" prince!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Women of Faith

I, the queen, spent last night and most of today at the Women of Faith conference here in town. If you aren't familiar, it's 7500 women listening to women speakers, singers, dramatists, and comics empower women. This year's theme was Freedom, and yes, there was some mention of God here and there (you know, turn your burdens over to God and you will be finally free) but also a lot of feel-good inspiration. The main speakers were the same as when I went 2 years ago, and they are very good. Sandi Patty performed Friday night, and it was truly worth the price of admission just to hear her sing for 40 minutes.

Now, like I said, there was a lot going on, and my personal favorite, and new favorite female comedian as well, was Anita Renfroe. She was soooooooooooo funny. And here is the main message I took away from the conference, compliments of Miss Anita.

Do you know the reason single women are thinner than married women?
A single woman sees what's in the frig and goes to bed.
A married woman sees what's in bed and goes to the frig!
I love that one!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


This update is a bit late, but we'd like to say, "Happy Birthday" to both the grandpas in our lives. They both had birthdays within the last 2 weeks and are both as young as spring chickens!!! The photo is of the prince and princess helping one grandpa celebrate his birthday! And we're not done with birthdays yet. A royal niece turned 4 this past weekend. The prince will be 12 on Saturday and will takes friends mini-golfing on Sunday, and the king will be 40-something at the end of May! Happy Birthdays are everywhere this month! June holds many birthdays too, and we're looking forward to them all!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Don't be JEALOUS!!!

Try not to be jealous. It's a beautiful, sunny, NO WIND, 78* right now!! These are the days we only get a few of every year! It's GREAT to be us!!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Royal Kingdom Woes

We are in quite a royal conundrum! We are slated to head to UT for royal functions on May 24. Alas, first the king informed me that he has meetings in Sunny Californ-I-A on May 20-23. My thought was that he could just fly to Salt Lake to meet us. But NOPE, not going to work since one of his employees will be out on medical leave that week. The king will have to work Thursday and Friday in the shop. Hmm...Okay, guess we might have to go without him. I was okay with that--coming up with my plan B that included leaving Billings Wed. night and spending the night in Dillon to break up the trip.

TODAY an email came saying that the princess' final school concert date is finally set. When? But of course, Friday, May 25. I'm not even sure she knows about this yet. (This is the "special" choir she's in for good singers. She missed their Christmas concert because we were on our cruise!) I then went to plan C! I checked airfare thinking maybe we could get last minute CHEAP fare (I know, who was I kidding?) so that the kids and I could go to the concert (it's at 9:30 am) and then head to the airport for a quick jaunt to SLC. Alas, too expensive!!

Now I'm on Plan D, which is my original plan, minus the King. I guess the princess will be missing her final concert. I emailed her teacher to see if I could go watch one of her rehearsals. That will have to do!

The king's father celebrates 75 years this weekend. We're in charge of bringing the pizza to the festivities. Is Friday night too late to wrap his gift?? I think not. At least I have a gift!

Have a good weekend.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

A singing princess

Here is a photo of one beautiful princess, singing like an angel at her Key Kids performance yesterday. They are looking pretty patriotic, aren't they? She had fun yesterday, but she didn't really enjoy this group and won't be signing up in the fall. Sometimes, it's hard to be a princess! She's giving serious consideration to reviving her soccer career this fall. We'll see what she decides. Meanwhile, I'm on a hunt for golf lessons for both her and the prince--and new golf clubs for the prince as well, as the princess will probably fit his old ones!

Another beautiful day in the kingdom, so I'm off to wash the royal chariot. You'd think there'd be a peasant or two around to do that, but alas...

Friday, April 27, 2007

Honor Roll Breakfast

Well, here we are, amid the glare of the school gymnasium, proud parents of a 3-quarter, 6th grade honor student. The 6th grade teachers put on breakfast for the kids and parents. Every one dressed up (first time I've seen the PE teacher in a shirt/tie), they piped in classical music to the gym, and they served up some delicious Costco muffins and fruit. It was nice to see kids recognized for something positive, especially since there have been more than 1/2 dozen bomb threats at local Jr. high and high schools here since the college shootings last week. Oh, and most of those threats were at Heights schools! They have arrested a couple of kids. They are still looking for a couple of more. They will be expelled and face criminal charges!
Okay, now I'm taking a good look at that photo and trying to decide who it the bigger hippie--the queen, or the prince! YIKES!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Prince Writes...

Hi, it's my first blog post, and well today in social studies we are working on our world maps, hand-drawn. Tomorrow I have a special breakfast for me being on the honor role for three quarters.

Cool Web Site

Check out this cool website. Mitch loves it--all guys will. It shows how they make things: jelly beans, chocolate, glass, denim...

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Bring on the Sunshine!

After much rain, sog, snow, clouds, looks like spring might finally be arriving in Billings this week. We're expecting a high near 70* today, about 65* tomorrow, up to 70* on Friday and then into the 80*s for the weekend!! Break out the sunscreen and shave your legs!!

Here's the beauty of the blog, though our firewall blocks hotmail at school, I can access my blog from school so can play with it when I'm bored--which is what I am now that we're testing, testing, and more testing in my lab!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Pumpin' Iron

I signed up for a weight lifting class today. Actually, it was just a quick teaching and then we're on our own--a bunch a women I work with. I must say that I will ABSOLUTELY be waking up this evening, at some point, with one hellacious charlie horse! I just know it! I can definitely FEEL THE BURN!

The Princess Sings like an Angel!

The princess will be singing the Walkin' On Sunshine Solo in her music group this weekend. Photos and a complete review will soon follow! And least we forget, she's also got a big gymnastics performance at the end of that same song that she also had to audition for! She's a movin' and a shakin' and a groovin' and hoppin'!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Prince pulls TWO teeth!

Yesterday the prince pulled not one, but TWO teeth. He said he could have pulled 2 more but, judging by the blood produced by the second tooth he pulled, I don't think he needed to pull any more! The tooth fairy better start saving her money!!

Welcome to our blog!

I have been debating about whether I'd like to try a family web site or a blog. I know very little about either. I made a web site for my computer lab at school and decided that we'd start with a family blog and, once I understand better how it works, decide if I'd like to continue with it or perhaps do a web site instead--or both! is suppose to make this very easy--AND FREE, so we'll see how it goes! Welcome!