Wednesday, February 11, 2009

25 Things About Me

I got "tagged" to do this on my blog so here goes:

1. I was a nanny for 2 years in Connecticut.
2. I couldn't spell "Connecticut" until I lived there.
3. I get better as a mother as my kids get older--even in spite of the "loophole" blog entry. (I'll be excellent by the time they are in their 50's!)
4. At work I see about 800 kids in one week (same 400 kids 2/week).
5. I know about 80% of them by name.
6. I'm going to see Elton John in Vegas in less than 50 HOURS Vegas.
7. I LOVE Las Vegas, and it's not about gambling for me.
8. I never held a "job" in high school, but I babysat most Friday and Saturday nights and made enough money to keep me in gas, clothing, and records.
9. I used to really like Survivor, but I think I'm over that now.
10. My sister and I had our souls switched in the cosmos before birth because though I'm the first-born, she has far more first-born tendencies than I do.
11. I'm the RELUCTANT chairman of the 8th Grade Graduation Committee this year.
12. I have low self-confidence, but I usually LOOK very confident.
13. I have found that looking self-confident is enough to survive most situations.
14. I have a crush on George Clooney. Who doesn't?
15. I wish I had started studying computers in high school and majored in it in college.
16. I still toy with getting a teaching degree.
17. I'm wearing purple under ware today.
18. I take a dance class, and I like it, but I am NOT good at it.
19. I love to read and have recently read: The Bonesetters Daughter, Twilight, Whistling in the Dark, Multiple Blessings.
20. My favorite Beatles song is The Long and Winding Road.
21. I used to want 6 boys when I was growing up.
22. I'm not nearly as worked up about spills on the carpet as my husband is.
23. I love sitting on a warm beach and cooling off in the water even though I'm sort of afraid of fish and seaweed creeps me out.
24. I don't believe in past lives but I do believe there's life on other planets, and I've seen 2 UFOs in my lifetime--so far.
25. Ben Franklin said, "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy", but I think he really meant margaritas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Certainly I could not possibly be the sister you are talking about. I NEED you to make decisions for me. I couldn't make one to save myself.
Also, Marty wants to know what those first-born tendencies might be. I am sure he is thinking that "bossiness" might be what you were thinking.