Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Are You Kidding Me???

Just after posting the last entry, the king and I heard a weird sound in the basement. The princess had finished a shower 20 minutes earlier, so why did we hear water gushing downstairs when she was sitting with us????

You guessed it. The water line broke. Under the stairs. The king had it turned off w/in 30 seconds, but it had sprayed all over under the stairs. It wouldn't be a big deal except that ALL OUR CHRISTMAS STUFF was under there. ALL OF IT!!! We had to empty out each box, including the box with the fake tree, because water was inside some of the boxes--an inch deep in one of them.

I don't think anything is damaged beyond repair though some of the packaging is lost. Meanwhile it looks like Christmas threw up all over my family room. The princess even said, "I don't usually think we have that much Christmas stuff until it's all spread out like this."

The plumber who installed this mess when the house was built is here fixing it right now. We are so thankful we were home and not distracted. I'm hoping this plumber doesn't charge us for the visit. This is the third house by this builder on our block to have water problems. Really!!

When I count my blessings I am:

A--thankful we were home and not at work

B--thankful we were home and not on our trip that we'll be taking in 3 days

C--thankful that all was saved except a couple of strings of light

D--thankful it wasn't fire

But really, what is it with this family and water problems?????


Mary Beth said...

Thank goodness you were home and caught it quickly. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

You are lucky, lucky ducks!!!