Saturday, February 7, 2009

Loophole Update

If you didn't read the previous entry, read it first.

As I suspected, the principal had bigger fish to fry. He told the prince to be honest and no harm would come to him. The prince was honest. The principal let it go. Mothers are not so forgiving. As I mentioned previously, the prince will be hanging with his boring family this weekend.

One funny side note--as if all of this wasn't funny enough: When the prince went in to see the principal the second time (the time when he was honest), he had to pass through a waist-high swinging door, and it FELL OFF THE WALL as the prince walked by. Not the prince's fault, but funny none-the-less. It lightened the situation a bit! (Did I mention this was a brand new building this fall?) (And have I mentioned that there's a special place in heaven for people who work in middle schools?)

I'm off to find a loophole that says I don't need to cook for the next few weeks!

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