Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Day In The Life...

A typical Wednesday:

The queen is up at 5:45 to get ready for work.
The princess gets up at 6:00, dresses, does hair, teeth, eats breakfast.
The prince gets up at 6:15, showers, eats, brushes teeth.
We are out the door at 7:00.
The king gets up at 7:00, is to work by 8:30, works all day, and is back home around 6:00.
Meanwhile, the queen works all day.
The prince has 7 classes: science, music, English, social studies, drama club during lunch, PE, math, student aide in kindergarten.
The princess has reading, then either music, art, or PE, then math or language, extended studies, lunch, then science or social studies (these and the morning set rotate every other day), recess, keyboarding.
School is out at 3:00.
The prince goes to weight training from 3:00-4:00.
The queen has a class from 3:30-5:00.
The princess hangs out in the room next to the queen's class.
At 5:00 we head home for a quick dinner, but we're headed into 5:00 traffic so it takes more than the usual 20 minutes to get home.
The prince has guitar lessons from 6:30-7:00.
The queen has dance from 7:00-8:00.
Is homework done? Has the princess showered?
Tomorrow we'll do it all again!


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