Saturday, February 7, 2009

Lookin' for Loopholes

How best to tell this story?

Here's some background: The prince's middle school is about 100 yards from the building I work in, but at lunch time they are to remain in their own area and not wander around the campus. That has never been an issue until this year.

The prince is convinced he is the only 8th grader w/o a cell phone. He tells me that if he only had a cell phone he could text me important questions and pieces of information as the day goes by. Never mind that the middle school rule is that all cell phones must be turned off and locked in lockers during the day. (Most kids keep them in their pockets!)

Remember the post about the prince wanting to join the dance team? He seems to feel the need to "fight the establishment," and I'm usually glad it's directed at the school, and not at us most of the time!!!

More background: the middle school has been experiencing some problems with kids recently including a 6th grade girl caught drinking a beer on the school bus in the morning and 6 boys (4 8th grade and 2 7th grade) being suspended for a week this past Wednesday for a big ol' fight at lunch time that resulted in one kid having his head cracked open. Gotta love springtime and testosterone!

That's the background. Here's the story.

A few weeks ago the prince asked me if I had a copy of the student handbook for middle school. I said yes, but why? He said he was going to look for loopholes to the "no sliding on the ice" rule at school. I informed him that he didn't need to be sliding, breaking rules, or looking for loopholes. End of story, as far as I was concerned.

Last week, his friend was coming home after school with us, and they were sitting in the back of the van with a copy of the school handbook. I heard them saying, "There it is. That's the loophole we need." I have learned that is sometimes better not to even ask. He's a good kid. Gets good grades. Let the middle school deal with this little rebellion! So I don't even ask about the loophole they've found. Really, I don't want to know or deal with it!!

Meanwhile, for the last few weeks the prince has taken to coming to see me during lunch, usually with 1 or 2 friends in tow, to ask if he can do this after school or if he can do that next weekend...You know, if he only had a cell phone...

This past Thursday he shows up with FIVE friends so ask some stupid question about the weekend. I tell him later that he is to no longer come to my room. He doesn't have permission to leave his area by the aides or by me. STAY IN YOUR OWN AREA. (I'm being a mom.)

Friday my phone rings in my room in the afternoon. Caller ID tells me it's the middle school principal. Now, he calls me once-in-awhile for school-related stuff that has nothing to do with the prince, but something tells me this call will be about the prince.

"Hi prince's Mom. This is the principal. The prince and some of his friends were seen headed to your area of campus today at lunch time. When I spoke to the prince about that, he said he came to talk to you. Is that true?"

"No. The prince came to see me YESTERDAY. I told him not to come see me anymore. I did not see him TODAY. Please feel free to handle this however you feel is appropriate." Much discussion followed about which boys were with him yesterday, today...I didn't hear from the principal again.

I'm thinking that might have been the loophole the prince and his friend thought they found the other day. I also think that, in the big picture of middle school troubles, this will be but a blip on the principal's radar. But I've yet to hear from the prince on the subject. He had a friend spending the night last night so I didn't bring it up. However, when another friend called last night to see if they could all go to the basketball game and mall today, I told the prince that since I'd had a call from the principal yesterday, the answer was no. He didn't argue with me AT ALL. I can hardly wait to hear his version events once his friend goes home!

The prince will be having a nice weekend HOME ALONE WITH HIS FAMILY this weekend!!! Looking for loopholes, no doubt!

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