Monday, November 23, 2009

Dance Performance!

The princess danced at a Holiday Food/Gift show this weekend. They do this venue every year, and every year our camera takes poor photos in this lighting. We might really and truly upgrade to a better camera someday, but by then she probably won't be dancing at this place anymore. Oh well.

The dance studio did such a cool holiday show this year. The kids all looked so good--most of them in black, silver, and red for most numbers. They always do this show and also a couple of nursing homes, but this year they will also dance at the mall on December 12. YIPPEE! The princess was in 4 dances. Here are a few photos. Not the best, but they'll have to do.

I tried to clean this photo up--which didn't work.

The princess is on the right. Love this dress.

It's probably the one she'll wear for her solo competition this year.

This is her competition group.

These photos are out of order.
This is actually the finale
and their ROCKIN' Kick Line.
It was really good.
This is a combination of the two highest
competition groups.

She stepped in 2 weeks ago to fill in for a girl
in this group that wasn't going to be in the show.
Too bad she has to give this dress back.
I love the flapper style!

This is her group she dances with her friends.
Her skirt is opposite of the other girls
because they only sent 9 instead of 10.
She'll have a red one eventually.

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