Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Starting To Feel Like Noah!

Could we please get through more than 6 months without a flood of some type in our house? Apparently not. The toilet in the master bathroom flooded this afternoon--really I just peed and didn't use very much toilet paper. Good thing I was in my closet (it's big and I was changing clothes although I'm not opposed to hiding in there!!), and heard water dripping onto the floor. Otherwise it would have been much worse as I probably wouldn't have know for a long time. It covered the bathroom floor in pee water. Many towels later I had most of it mopped up. Then I had to scrub the floor to eliminate the pee water. I threw the towels in the bathtub and started washing those. I'm about 1/2 done getting those clean. After that I'll have to clean the bathtub. Pee water. How stupid! Hopefully the king will be fixing the toilet this evening (it's been "running" for long periods of time for a few weeks now), and I won't have to worry about such things for awhile.
Please, God, I've not the patience of Job nor the fortitude of Noah. I'm asking for a break from the water excesses...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I certainly feel your pain. You KNOW of my water woes. We are enjoying our little sabbatical from such flooding!!! Knocking on wood now.