Thursday, November 5, 2009

Shave and a Haircut...

How much does a haircut cost? The prince was in GREAT need of one (see Pumpkin entry) so we headed off to our famous Emily for a "trim." There was a lot of hair on the ground, but other than the bangs not looking like a cap visor anymore, it was difficult to tell if he'd really had a cut. That was $14!

That evening he headed off to his friend's house (aka "Skunk Boy" in a previous entry) to spend the night and Trick-or-Treat, because apparently, if you wear your banana costume from last year, people will give you candy, even though you're 14 years old!!!

He had been contemplating letting SKUNKY give him a real haircut. The king told him, "I'll pay YOU $20 if you get a DECENT haircut."

The next morning he sent me this photo text!

And when he got home, his father paid him $20.

Apparently, a decent haircut costs $34!!!!


Mary Beth said...

Skunk Boy should go into business. I have the first client over here! Looks good.

Anonymous said...

So that WAS him in the background of C's picture! Looks great! J's in the process of growing his back out. A refuses to have his cut. He says "I am famous for my long hair at school now." M wants his trimmed every two weeks.

Calgon take me away...............

Anonymous said...

Yea, Skunk Boy great haircut, I can recognize my grandson now!!