Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I'm Gonna Be a STAR!

In case you haven't heard, Steven Tyler may or may not be leaving Aerosmith, and they may or may not be replacing him (they've got more drama in that band than the middle school does), so if he does leave (which seems to currently depend on whether or not he's stoned when he's being interviewed), then I'm totally going to audition to be his replacement. I can totally ROCK OUT "Dude Looks Like A Lady," and lucky for me, we have Aerosmith Rock Band for the Wii so I can practice a lot!!! Of course, that means no Christmas letter this year or gifts for the kids as I'll be too busy practicing, but don't worry, I'll hook you up with free tickets when I go on tour!


Anonymous said...

Rock on Sis!


Mary Beth said...

I'm going to need a backstage pass too. Or better yet, I can be a dancer on stage while you sing.