Monday, November 16, 2009

Lighter-wand-thingy Part 2

Yesterday the king was at Walmart buying those new LED Christmas lights because, "they will save us a fortune, they burn forever before losing a bulb, you can string 72 sets of lights together before they blow a circuit..." Once he gets a bee in his bonnet it is best just to tell him to go with it! And by the way, we don't use 72 strands of lights...only 6. FYI: if you're thinking about converting, the new strands are shorter so we'll need about 10 now.


While at Walmart, I asked him to pick up a lighter-wand-thingy to replace the missing, lost, misplaced, stolen one. I had seen a 2-pack there and mentioned that he not get that one as we really only need one. They last forever if they aren't missing as we use them so seldomly, and if there's a second one sitting around for a couple of years, I will forget where I put it before I need it so it's really a waste of money.

He came home with TWO! Not a 2 pack, but two individually packaged lighter-wand-thingys because, "they were only $1 each." GREAT!

So now I have 2 lighter-wand-thingys which means the original will now show up, and I'll have 3. Someone will be getting a nicely packaged lighter-wand-thingy for Christmas.

Now about lighting the carpet on fire, Mom. We were in the house by Rathman's. I guess I wasn't tired when you told me to go lie down so I was snooping. I lit the match but as soon as I did, I got scared and dropped it. It mildly singed the carpet on the side of the dresser. You probably never even saw it, but it scared the ca-ca out of me. I crawled right up on your bed and went to sleep after that!!! And so you see...most of the time I WAS an angel!! Most of the time...

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

The lighter wand sounds like a great white elephant gift. Hang on to that for the holidays.