Friday, November 20, 2009

Whatcha doing this weekend?

Us...let's see...princess has dance rehearsal tonight.
Gotta pick up flowers Saturday morning for prince and princess.
Princess dances at a Holiday thing Saturday at 1:00.
The prince has his "date" coming over around 7:00 to hang out and play video games until they go to their formal dance at 9:00.
Pick prince up at midnight--that's really late for me.
Princess has a youth leadership conference Sunday from noon until about 6:00.

I believe I'll be driving the Mom-Taxi this weekend.


Anonymous said...

You need to employ the Dad-Taxi too. Let him do the midnight pick up.

My Snapshot said...

He has worked 16 straight days and has tons of overtime. He's doing his part already! SL

Anonymous said...

Gotta' love KCI!!! Ka-ching!