Friday, May 7, 2010

Dear Mommy

As part of Teacher Appreciation Week, the student council wrote letters to each staff member. I found mine in my mail box this afternoon. As luck (coercion? poor planning?) would have it, my daughter got to (had to?) write mine. Here is what she wrote, and keep in mind, she hasn't called me "Mommy" since she was 3:

Dear Mommy,

You do an awesome job at watching over naughty children. It's probably really frustrating having to keep all the knuckleheads on track. We should get some ice cream after school to celebrate your awesomeness!


Honestly, some peoples' children!


Shelley said...

That girl knows how to "work" it!!!

Mary Beth said...

Love it! Shelley is right, she is workin' it for some ice cream.