Saturday, May 8, 2010

Note to self:

The high school only has 2 shot puts. Kids are assigned to bring them to away meets. The prince is in charge of bringing one to the meet today that is out of town. So he brought it home after yesterday's meet and then left himself a note not to forget it this morning. Why might he need to leave himself a note? Because the last time he was responsible for the shot, he left it in the locker room. Then they only had one shot!

I also like how he signed the note to himself. What a goofball!

As if a track meet weren't enough, we've also got a dance competition today. The princess dances in 4 dances today and while practicing one of them last night, she told me, "I almost made myself cry?" "Why? Did you mess up or hurt yourself?" "No. It's the song where I have to look all sad and I almost was able to make tears."

Oh boy!

In more dance drama, last night at rehearsal, one of the girls popped her hip out. She probably won't be dancing today which messes up one of the dances the princess is in. DRAMA! Girls are so good at it. I'll stick to silly shot put notes.


Unknown said...

I love the note! That's too funny...

I'm sure dance will be just fine. Sounds like those girls are plenty adaptable! More medals today?

Becky said...

I believe in Cara! Last week at my dance competition we had a girl tell us that she just wasn't coming - at the time she was supposed to be there! So we had to change all of our formations right before we went on to perform. Dance does = drama. It will be your life for the next few years Aunt Sharmi.

Mary Beth said...

Great note - good idea to sign it. You might be confused in the morning about who is bossing you around.