Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Nug!!

When the prince was little we used to call him "Nugget". We meant GOLD nugget, but everyone thought we meant CHICKEN nugget! It was often shortened to "Nug". He doesn't care for that name anymore!

This isn't the photo I intended to post, but through the magic of technology, and some happy clicking on my part, that photo is lost in cyber-land. But that's okay...he's mighty cute in his Santa Suit.
And here he is last fall! The family party is tonight. Then we'll be done with his birthday celebrations so we can start celebrating the King's birthday! Bring on the birthday bashes!


J said...

Happy Birthday Mitch!!!!!

Mary Beth said...

Happy Birthday Mitch! We all hope your day was great... and there was lots of MEAT involved.