Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Edible Car

Every year the 6th grade science teacher does an experiment where each child makes an edible car and then races it down a ramp. The car must be of a certain measurement, it must have axles and wheels, and it must hold the teacher's small action figure across the finish line. The cars are timed, and the car with the best time wins a prize. The kids design them and have to tell how force, gravity, acceleration will all affect their car. Then it's time to build and race! When the prince did this, he chose a large dinner roll that we hollowed out. We attached pretzels to the bottom like skis with peanut butter. This was breaking the rule--not having wheels, but she accepted it. His action figure stayed in the car across the finish line.
This year the princess made rice crispie treats, used large pretzel sticks for axles, and cucumbers for wheels. The plan had been to use donuts, but they were too small for the pretzels. Race day was yesterday. Yikes! The kids were crazy with excitement. Many a gram cracker car held together with marshmallow fluff was destroyed on the school bus ride before they ever got to school. But the kids had a lot of fun. The princess lost her wheels before her car made it down the ramp. The grossest car I saw was an apple that had been hollowed out. It was turning brown and slimy! Ewww!!!

Grandma happened by while we were building and lent a hand.

The finished product.

1 comment:

J said...

That's a cool car!!