Monday, May 17, 2010


The king is a fuddy-duddy.

This weekend he was visiting with someone around our age, and the other man went on and on about teenagers, cell phones, texting, clothes kids wear...

Holy Smokes. After he left, I said, "He's an old fuddy-duddy." The king said, "Then I'm a fuddy-duddy too because I agreed with everything he said."

I am thinking perhaps the king has forgotten what it's like to be young and have a world of possibilities ahead of you. But what it might really come down to is the king and this other fellow might be jealous. If I couldn't have it, you shouldn't have it. Or...if it was good enough for me, it should be good enough for you.

Having spent the last many years in a computer lab, I can see that, like it or not, this is the future. And you know what they say...hop on or get left behind.

I don't think, in the long run, that texting will ruin the English language. I don't believe that kids wearing shorts to school--IN THE WINTER--hampers their ability to learn. I do believe that in this day of Aides, legal medical marijuana, texting while driving, meth, STDs...I have more important things to worry about than whether or not my kid is sitting with his friends at Wendys and every kid at the table is on their phone
texting someone else. I don't care.

What I do find funny is when someone has an IPad with a Scrabble board on it, and around it sit people with their IPod Touches. Each IPod Touch has the tiles for that person. Through super-cool technology, they move their tiles to the IPad. To me, I'm all about texture. I want to handle the tiles. I want to flip the pages on my book, not hit the forward button on my Kindle. Which is not to say that this technology wouldn't be cool when traveling...


J said...

You got it! Hop on or get left behind!! For example, I'm not a Guitar Hero [yet] because I was slow to hop on WII wagon....As long as they are safe, reasonable [when it REALLY matters], and well let 'em explore!!

Shelley said...

Apparently I am a fuddy-duddy too of sorts. I have never heard of a
"Kindle". Oh, well! I guess I can't miss what I don't know!

J said...

Shelley! A Kindle is on my list for the future. I'm VERY tired of moving all my books.... I'll let you know how it is after I get a chance to play with one for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Shelley the Kindle is the electronic book you should get for Andy so he doesn't have to try to hold the book and turn pages. I'm totally about the Kindle in certain cirmumstances. I'd love it for traveling. But most of the time I want to turn the pages! SL

Anonymous said...

Great post sis! Couldn't have said it better.
You'll have to remind him of all the stories we heard as kids about the 10 mile walks to school thru 10 ft. snow drifts :)