Saturday, May 15, 2010

That's a Big Burger!

The prince is still 8-years-old at heart so every year he wants a birthday party will all his peeps. This year we met the gang at Fuddruckers, bought them dinner, and then they came over and spent the night. The boys were awesome. No trouble at all. I was in bed at 10:30 with the door open, and they never woke me up!
The prince thought, since he was the birthday boy, that he should get the one-pound burger. Okay. He also had onion rings and a drink. He's a glutton. What you are seeing is not a tiny order of rings--it's the standard size. It's just dwarfed by the burger.

The gang! Tommy, Mitch, Daniel, Reed, Theo, and Lakota!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did he actually eat it?!