Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Roof Fairy

You've heard of the tooth fairy who mysteriously shows up when you lose a tooth and leaves you money, right? Well, we have a roof fairy. He's burly, buff, has an air compressor, and goes up on the roof and fixes it. You don't have to call him or anything. He just does it!
The guy who built our house and 5 others on this street (and lives in one of them) called the guy who roofed these houses to come repair the damage. There was a good chunk of damage to the house two doors down from us, and I watched them repair a large part of the roof over the garage on the house across the street from us. Our damage was minor...just one portion to reattach, and it was at the peak. The roofer and two helpers spent the better part of the day on our street. They are thinking it might be faulty shingles. I have my doubts...
But however it all plays out, it's a good thing they showed up yesterday when it was relatively sunny and wind-free because today it's snowing!!


Unknown said...

Very nice!

Shelley said...

Yay for great neighbors AND contractors!