Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Remember last summer when I posted a photo of a big ol' pile of books that I needed to read? Well I read them all! I was down to one book left on my nightstand, but luckily, I've been replenished thanks to a friend who gave me a bag of books, a secret santa who knows I'm a reader, a trip to my mom's, and two new books for my book clubs!! Yippee! I decided to start a list on my blog of books I read this year with a simple star system to denote if I think they might be worth your time. No star means DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME!
And more good news on the reading front: we often get book club kits (10 books and a question sheet) from the library for our book clubs. Due to the limited number of kits and long waiting lists, we often read the same book for both clubs at some point. But the library recently added several more kits so that should get us through a few months without duplicates! Life is good when you're a reader! This year make it your New Year's Resolution to read a book! I highly recommend it.


Anonymous said...

I wish I LOVED reading. I do read a little, but there has never been a passion to my reading. Now watching TV however......


Anonymous said...

Who are you?