Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Braces + Apples = Uh-oh!

I've got 4 kids over here right now, and I'm pondering the gourmet lunch I'm going to make for them. Something like ravioli from a can and an apple for each kid. Then it occurs to me that 3 of the 4 kids have braces (the 4th one should too but he's a wienie), and they can't bite an apple unless I first slice it up. That seems like a lot of work. I'm leaning toward opening up a few cups of mandarin oranges instead!


Anonymous said...

Don't you have an apple slicer? I use mine all the time and LOVE it. You must get one at your next Pampered Chef party. But be careful, they will cut your fingers off!!!

Anonymous said...

I have one! Don't get me one--whomever you are!!! It's not Pampered Chef, but it works fine. And that's what I ended up doing. I sliced up some apples and threw them on a plate for the little angels. And they ate them all! SL

Anonymous said...

I had my initials on my first comment. It's Shelley! Even when I looked earlier there was some random comment on here, but my initials WERE there!

Mary Beth said...

What "angels" were at your house today?
Thanks for having them - it was fun.