Saturday, December 5, 2009

Fire Starters

Last night the prince, Skunk Boy, and Dev thought it was the perfect night for a fire in the fire pit. Of course it was 8:30 PM, FREEZING cold (probably around 0* with the windchill), and windy. After getting wood from the neighbor--sure is a good thing Nate has a wood burning stove and is generous with his scraps--they wadded up some newspaper, got the BLOW TORCH, and started to pull the fire pit up to the deck to get out of the wind before starting the fire.
WHAT??? Danger, danger Will Rogers!
The king stopped that in the nick of time. Otherwise this would be a sad blog entry about how our house burned down right before Christmas!
After getting a roaring fire going, and posing for photos, they tried to pen the perfect song. I'm not sure how that turned out because the notebook is still sitting out by the fire this morning.
They did last about an hour outside though, which is about 40 minutes longer than I thought they would!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

No marshmallows or graham crackers? Brr.. a cold night to jam outside.