Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's Nowing!

When the princess was young, she had SEVERAL speech impediments. There was some speech therapy--which really consisted mostly of playing board games and getting prizes at the end of the 1/2 hour--and time, but eventually, she overcame them.

Back when she was at her most stubborn--and cutest--when she was about 3, she couldn't say the "s" sound at the beginning of words, and the "th" sound came out as an "h"--among many others...

This was funny at Christmas time because she couldn't say the word "snow"; it came out "no." And her favorite song was "Frosty the Snowman". Her stubborn streak came through when she messed up somewhere along in singing it, and she would have to start over FROM THE BEGINNING! Over and over and over... Really, I have the video to prove it, but I'm not smart enough to convert it and put it on here.

Yesterday we woke to snow. All day long I kept thinking about that cute little princess singing:

Frosty the NOMAN...

Humpity, hump, hump

Humpity, hump, hump

OVER, and OVER, and OVER! Gotta love that!

And in case you think this speech thing was most noticeable in the winter when it was "nowing," you'd be wrong...she was an equal opportunity speech wacko. In the summer one of her favorite things to do was "WIM!"

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