Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Living Room Fort

When the prince was a little boy, he used to love to build forts in Grandma's living room. I have photos of the princess and a cousin building one in our old living room. But we were a little surprised last night when the prince and Skunk Boy decided to build one. Harmless fun, right?

They hung out in there for over an hour. At one point the king checked on them, and they appeared to be sleeping. When he asked what they were doing, they said they were cat-napping.

Good times! By the way, Skunk Boy has asked that in future blog references (and he's come to know that there will be future references that feature him as they are always up to something photo-worthy whenever he spends the night), I refer to him by his given name. So from this point on, Skunk Boy will be known as Reed.

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