Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas in a Box

Imagine my children's dismay when I packed up this box.

"What's in the box," they asked?

"All your Christmas gifts. I'm shipping them to Grandma's for when we get there?"

"Everything fit in that box," they choked??? (These are the kids who got the big ol' Wii bundle of maximum spendage and fun last year.)

"Well, no. There are two boxes."

They looked only slightly less concerned but didn't want to appear greedy.

Then I said, "Of course, those boxes have gifts for all of us."

"All of us???"

"Yep, you two, me, your dad, Grandma and Grandpa! Merry Christmas!"

Shhhh....don't tell them that I did buy about 4 things that I had shipped directly to Grandma's house. It's still not a merry Wii Christmas, but it's good to see them sweat. They have no idea how blessed they are!!