Wednesday, February 22, 2012

About "Moloka'i"

I gave "Moloka'i" 4 stars! Finally, a 4 star book this year! I was starting to worry. This is a fascinating read by the same author as "Hawaii", which I didn't like as well. I read this book before and feared I wouldn't like it as well the second time, but it was equally good this time around. This is the story of Rachel who is born in the late 1800's in Hawaii, contracts Hansen's Disease (leprosy), and is sent to the island of Moloka'i where all leapers were quarantined at that time. She grows up there, and the book tells the story of her life, bringing in real-life events including the bombing of Pearl Harbor and a tsunami. This book is historical fiction at it's best! Eventually, in her 60's, a group of drugs are developed that arrest this disease and she goes back to Oahu and Maui to live out the rest of her life. READ this book! It's excellent!

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