Thursday, February 2, 2012

Never A Dull Moment

We had quite the exciting afternoon at school yesterday. At about 12:30 the principal made an announcement that all students should return to their classrooms immediately and that teachers should shut their doors and not allow kids out until he made another announcement. He would let us know when the dogs were done. This meant there were drug dogs searching lockers. We haven't had one of these searches for a couple of years, but no big deal. I had two students gone from my room, but they returned and I closed my door, and went back to helping a student at my desk.

The kids kept watching my door though. I couldn't see out the door and finally asked what they were watching because my window is high enough that I knew they couldn't see dogs. They told me they had seen some kids run into the bathroom. "NOT ON MY WATCH!" I thought. So (since my room is right next to both bathrooms) I put on my big-girl panties and headed out to bust some heads. I charged into the boys bathroom (keep in mind this is a 6th grade hallway, and they are sooooo sweet and innocent compared to 7th and 8th graders) and yelled, "Is anyone in here???" No answer, no feet under the stalls. So off I charged to the girls bathroom. Again, "IS ANYONE IN HERE??????" An adult voice quietly answers, "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll shut my (classroom) door in a minute." I cracked up laughing. Poor Tamara didn't have any kids in her room, went in the bathroom about the time the announcement was made and was just finishing when I came in yelling and hollerin'! :) I guess you could say I... wait for it...wait for it...SCARED THE POOP OUT OF HER!

On a positive note, the dogs didn't find anything. I don't know if the principal had specific knowledge of possible drugs or just a hunch. The two boys most likely to have brought them had both gone home sick before the dogs came. The dogs didn't search the PE lockers, which was odd, and as the 6th grade PE teacher (whose classroom is beside mine) said, "Bringing the dogs in on a Wednesday doesn't make sense. On Wednesday the kids are still in the planning stages of the parties. They don't actually bring the drugs until Friday!" I don't know if that's true or not...

But that wasn't the end of the excitement. At 2:20, as 7th period was about to start, the principal again comes on to announce that there will be no PE that period and all PE students should report to Health class instead (the princess was NOT happy...she loves PE and missed a rousing game of Dodge ball). I was thinking, "Guess they brought the dogs back to check the PE lockers, but nope." Turns out there was a gas leak at a house across the street from the school, and they were evacuating 3 and 5th grade to our building for the remainder of the day. Can you say, "CHAOS"???? Not for our students but for 3rd and 5th grade. These are big classes (150+ kids) who went to our commons area and our gym to sit and wait it out. One teacher later told me that most of the kids were pretty calm about it, but the 3-4 Autistic kids went ballistic. Between the worry about the gas leak and the noise of that many kids in a relatively small space, those few kids were over the edge!

Additionally, the buses had to move to the middle school parking lot where all the parents who usually have to pick their kids up in front of the building on the highway did...if they could get there at the parking lot was madness...MADNESS!!! Parents were calling and the phone lines were crazy because the gas leak was all over the internet. But all turned out fine. The leak has been contained and will be fixed today, and school is in session today as well.

One more cute story: as we were finally leaving the parking lot we saw 6 kids crossing the road by the parking lot to try to get home. They live down the road where the house w/the leak is, but they couldn't get to the intersecting road to get to their house, and there were fences along the highway that they couldn't get over. There was a sheriff there who motioned them over, and we watched as he boosted them over the chain-link fence, into a neighbor's yard (dog barking like crazy in the next yard) , so they could cut across that yard and the road to their house. :) I guess ya gotta do what ya gotta do in times of crisis.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

That was awesome! A great read to start my morning. You keep those stories coming!! :)