Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Hawaii" by Alan Brennert

I gave "Hawaii" two stars. This is the same author who wrote "Molokai", which I loved. By my current ratings system, "Molokai" would get four stars. "Hawaii" was a little disappointing though. This story takes a 17-year-old Korean girl from her homeland of Korea to Hawaii in the late 1800's and follows her life into the 1950's. In Hawaii she builds a life, marries, has a family. Her life is representative of many of that time period who immigrated to Hawaii from Asia, and the strife between the many races and the white people is covered well...again, and again, and again. Brennert is a good writer, and he moves this story along pretty quickly much of the time, but he really bogged it down in the middle this time, so I had to rate it a little lower. Additionally, I didn't connect with the main character in this story as much as I did the one in "Molokai".

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