Tuesday, February 7, 2012


In 8th grade Comm. Arts (communication arts; aka reading or English) they learn a new word everyday and periodically have tests on these words. Last week they got to word #100, which was a big deal. The princess' class asked if they could have a party. Their teacher, who is pretty smart, said, "Sure, if you bring the treats." The princess volunteered to bring cookies. (She usually brings brownies. She didn't know that cookies were so much more work than brownies! But she does now.) She even decorated them, and they turned out quite tasty. Her mother also helped her because well, cookies are time consuming...we had to make these over several days to work around the dance schedule. Dough one day. Baking one day. And finally decorating.

"What was the 100th word," you ask? Why, it was TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA: fear of the number 13! But the prince ruined the surprise since he already knew what the word was and told us. Apparently the teacher should change up her words a bit!

I am still really liking my new camera most of the time. It was able to get the little heart sprinkles without them being too blurry.

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