Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Yearbook Photo

It was a hard decision, but with the deadline fast approaching, the prince chose this photo to go in the yearbook for his senior photo.  It's my favorite too...or one of them.  It will be cropped to show less of nature and more of his face, but it's a keeper!

Good-bye September

I have said it before, and I'm saying it again.  September is the BEST month to be in our town.  The temperatures have been in the 70*s and 80*s every day.  We've not had any bad weather (not even high winds).  It cools off at night so we have not run out air conditioner all month.  It's been great sleeping weather.  I will miss September.  This coming week we are expected to see highs only in the 40*s for part of the week and will probably see our first hard frost.  Good-bye, September.  Until next year...

The TWIRP Invite

The princess decided to invite her "friend" (not allowed to date until 16 so...) to TWIRP (The Woman Is Required to Pay).  There was much discussion about how best to ask him.  She wanted it to be clever.  I wanted it to be cheep!  Eventually we were both happy.  

They have a running joke where he tells her to, "Make me a sandwich!".  He even has a  t-shirt that says that.  I think it comes from a tv show or movie.  Anyway she usually tells him to make her a sandwich.  She's having none of this!  But it was the perfect way to invite him to TWIRP.  She made him a sandwich of PB&J (really just a pinch of jelly as we were almost out).  She put it in a bag, that when in a box, which went inside another box, and then another box.  There was much bubble wrap and tissue paper and the boxes were all wrapped multiple times.  We drove to his house (she was in contact with his mom to make sure he was home), as she planned to leave it on the front step, ring the doorbell, and run back to the car.  But his mom called when we were minutes away to tell her he'd just gone outside.  Yikes!  She called him back in the house, and the princess was able to successfully complete her mission.

 "Merry Early Christmas Andrew.  Feel free to open it now."

Attached to the sandwich (on the right of the photo) is a note that reads: 
The dream has finally come true. 
 I've made this sandwich especially for YOU.  
Now my only request would be dinner and dancing with the BEST.  
TWIRP with me?

As luck would have it, he said YES!  The hunt for the perfect dress is complete.  Shoes are next.  Stay tuned...

Where there's smoke...

That's not blurry.  That's smoke.  As we watched the JV football game yesterday, we could see this rolling in.  Our state is still on fire.  Someone in the stands yesterday said we've gone 45 days without precipitation. Make that 46 now.  This fire is about 50 miles from us.  The western side of the state is the same.  The cross-country meet was in the northwest part of the state yesterday and was almost canceled due to poor air quality.  I guess it's a good thing cooler temperatures are on the way.  Hopefully they'll bring some rain/snow to put all these fires out.

Night Driving

Part of the work you have to do to get your full driver's licence is 10 hours of night-driving.  That's hard to get during the summer when the sun isn't really down until almost 10 PM, but it's getting easier now.  Slowly, but surely...

A Busy Cheer Day

The prince cheered Friday night and then had to be at a local park at 9AM Saturday to help with a fun-run followed by the city-wide, all-school carnival where the cheer team had a booth.  He was there until mid-afternoon.  Meanwhile, the princess cheered a JV football game--we won!--followed by a varsity volleyball game--we won--before moving onto the carnival, where she worked the booth until it closed at 4:30.  That's a lot of cheer responsibility for one day!!

They got their pompoms this week.  Finally, cheering with pompoms!  And "jazz hands" look so much cooler with sparkly pompoms attached!  They did some nice builds; they aren't quite ready to fly girls around yet, but no one got dropped this week, so it's all good!  The last picture is of them at the volleyball game.  It's not great, but it's the best I got, as they were almost done by the time I got over there.

Friday Night Lights

Fall is in the air, and the nights are getting darker sooner.  I had to use my "night" setting at the game Friday, and it makes action blurry.  Grrr...  It's a bummer, because these are some new, cool builds.  They did a great job and didn't drop anyone.  You can't tell, but those girls on top were spinning around.  I like the last one as it shows the beginning of the end of the build as Ally starts to drop.  :)  Only 2 more home games before playoffs.  I don't know if our boys will pull off a trip this year, but it'll be close.  They lost this weekend but only by one touchdown.  

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Rest Of My Week

This is why I need a new blog.  Should I really post this here?  Too late.  I just did!

My Week


Last night the princess and I were once again discussing her run-in with the antelope.  She said, "That was the scariest thing to ever happen to me."   

I said, "Really?  Wasn't the skunk in your window well that you thought was an intruder scarier?"

"Oh yeah.  It was.  I forgot about that."

After a minute she added, "I hate nature."

She does.  She really does.  :)

Monday, September 24, 2012


My kids LOVE eggnog.  I like one drink--one sip--every 5 years.  The king isn't a big fan.  But our kids would drink it by the gallon, if only I could afford to buy it for them like that.  And " by the gallon" I mean each of them would drink a gallon each day!  It's eggnog season now which means I buy a quart every couple of weeks and they have to share it!  I bought it Saturday.  It's gone.  I think they are "eggnog-aholics"!  

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Antelope Stampede

Here's the sweet princess at the start of 1st grade.  Cuteness, I know.

Fast-forward 9 years.  It's the beginning of 9th grade.  And she's learning to drive.  Yesterday, as she drove us to a cross country meet, she was recounting the story of her near-fatal encounter with a "herd of antelope"--TWO.  I wish I'd had a video recorder.  My version won't do it justice as you won't see her hands waving WHILE SHE'S DRIVING or hear me laughing hysterically!  Still.  I'm glad she lived to tell the tale.

In her words--to the best of my recollection (with my thoughts in parenthesis):

Did I tell you about the antelope that tried to stampede me Thursday?  Well, I cut across the field to where you were picking me up (there was a sidewalk she could have chosen though it would have made the walk longer), and I heard "ker-thump, ker-thump, ker-thump" behind me.  These two male antelope with really big reindeer horns (taking both hands off the wheel to mimic antlers above her head--already I'm cracking up because she uses "reindeer horns" instead of antlers but HELLO!  Both hands on the wheel!) came running toward me, chasing each other. They galloped around me two times, obviously fighting over their lady-love, and spitting up all kinds of dust!  I don't even think they knew I was there.  Meanwhile, this guy on the road pulls up to watch.  He didn't even get out to help.  He was just sitting there laughing.  Finally they ran off, still chasing each other, and that guy just drove away.  He didn't even ask if I was okay!!!

We live in an antelope-heavy area.  They are EXTREMELY skittish of people.  They wouldn't usually charge a human (unless they thought you were coming after their babies), but watch out!  You don't want to get in the way when they are fighting over their lady-love with their big reindeer horns!!!

I do so love this girl!

The Circus

That's the top of the prince's head.  He and the princess went to the circus yesterday with Aunt Kathi.  Aunt Kathi could hardly sleep the night before.  She was so excited.  The kids have been to the circus with her before, and she's a little bummed that they are growing up.  Who will go with her now?  She even mentioned to the princess that she hoped she would have babies soon so she'd have someone to go with!!!  The princess declined--good thing since she's 14!!!  And just in case you're unaware, Aunt Kathi has her own daughter who is plenty old enough to have some kids for her!!!  Anyway they were a little disappointed in this top-of-the-line circus.  No ringmaster and only one ring--not three.  The prince was most impressed with the band (they even have "clean up the elephant poop" music).  And they both were impressed with the acrobats.  Thanks for making the arrangements Aunt Kathi!

Best Class Ever

That's the prince, on the right.  They are riding a nice, Coach bus on a school field trip.  On this day, last week, they were headed to the mountain resort town nearby.  After passing through the town, they took the nice, Coach bus on a dirt road for 20 miles.  They got out and hiked for a few hours, got back, made lunch, and then took the bus home.  It was an all-day trip for this one class, and there will be more like it.  The class is called "Life Skills".  Is hiking really a life skill?  I don't know.  It's really a health/PE class, but they never meet in the gym, and they have been to several parks already this year.  He has it 1st period, and they meet at these locations and are back in time for 2nd period.  He is loving this class.  I'm not sure what they'll do once the weather turns, but I do know this class includes a couple of skiing trips.  Is this the BEST CLASS EVER for a senior, or what???

When I asked how the hike was he said, "It was good.  But We just kept going and going and eventually figured out that an adult wasn't with us so we turned around and went back.  I guess we went an extra mile or so!"  DUH!  Stay with the group, silly!

And we got off CHEAP for this trip.  The kids were put into groups, and each group was to make part of their lunch--main dish, side dish, dessert.  He was in the dessert group.  I spent $3 on marshmallows for s'mores.  Some kids had to bring hamburger!  

By the way, that's Ben sitting next to the prince,  I wish his eyes were open.  He has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, EVER.  Just sayin'...

Good Lookin'!

It was homecoming for some of the cousins last night.  In their towns Homecoming is a more formal affair.  And this was Jajuan's first year to get to go!  Good times for everyone!

Friday, September 21, 2012


A couple of years ago the prince was featured in a local newspaper about some mascoting he was doing for his high school.  Last night someone contacted him via facebook and twitter claiming to be from a mascoting organization.  I told him to have them send documentation to our email if they are legit.  But he said he became suspicious when they A) asked for the name of the current mascot and B) asked if there were any pictures of him taking the mascot outfit off!!!  GROSS!!!!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Worst OTC so far!

Yesterday I made a reference to MB about it being my worst OTC day so far this school year.  She came here looking for the story.  There isn't one story.  OTC is where the kids come (my room) during their lunch hour to finish the homework they didn't finish--Opportunity To Complete (OTC).  

Yesterday was a bad combination of kids acting at their worst.  One was sent to the hall.  One was sent to the office.  Hall Boy and Office Boy got a detention for their antics.  Others in the room just seemed off their rockers!

When MB asked about it I was already worrying about today's OTC.  Several of the same kids, including Hall Boy and Office Boy were scheduled as were about 40 kids total--I have 27 desks.  But as it turned out, today went much better.  Office Boy didn't even come to my room; he just took himself straight to the office.  And Hall Boy was much better behaved--probably because he feared another detention.  As they all finished their work I let them leave, and by the end of the hour I only had about 20 kids left.  Hall Boy even got his work done and didn't get sent to the hall today!  

I'm tellin' ya.  Ya just never know!

Are you blind???

I had a follow-up doctor's appointment today.  A weird throat thing that has ended up being allergies so all is well.  When the doctor walked in the room today he said, "Wow!  You look so much better than you did the last time you were in my office!"  

What?  I saw him 5 weeks ago when it was summer.  Back when I got more sleep.  Back when I had less on my plate.  Back when I had a tan.  And I didn't think I looked THAT bad 5 weeks ago.  But he must have noted it in my chart. 

Is he blind?  It must be the extra layer of make-up I put on this morning trying to disguise the fact that I only got about 5 hours of sleep last night!  He lectured me for 5 minutes last time about getting enough sleep--there is no clinical link between lack of sleep and allergies, but he felt compelled to lecture.  

He invited me to come back a year from now.  I bet I'll look flippin' FANTASTIC by then!

It must be hard being so perfect.

Tonight the princess was getting ready for dance and put her hair up in an amazing bun.  I told her as much.  She let out a heavy sigh and said, "I was going for a messy bun, but it turned out perfect instead."  Must be rough!

New Blog Idea?

I'm thinking of starting a new blog.  It'll be titled, "Stuff that's not appropriate for my regular blog."  Seems like lately I've got more stuff happening or crossing my mind that isn't appropriate for this audience than is.  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom

She's silly.
She's smart.
She's kind.
She's FUNNY!
And we are lucky to call her our mom!  
Happy Birthday, Mom!
We LOVE you!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Chicken Whisperer

Our neighbors give the king regular gigs caring for their chickens and collecting their eggs.  The rule is that whatever eggs he collects he gets to keep.  One of the neighbors has taken to calling him "The Chicken Whisperer".  She's even gone so far as to suggest that he get business cards, but I don't know.  I don't want all these chicken skills going to his head.  Tonight we had fried egg sandwiches for dinner.  As you can see we had plenty of eggs to get rid of.  We are down to 18 now!  Aren't they pretty, though.  Brown, tan, cream, and light green.  They all look the same when you crack them.  Some are bigger than others, depending on how long the chicken has been laying eggs.  This weekend he's got another gig Whispering.  Looks like a good weekend to cook breakfast!  


This isn't the best pictures, but as you can tell, FALL is on the way.  I'm a little happy in that this miserably hot, fire-filled summer will come to an end.  But I'm a little sad too because September has been quite nice!  Sigh.

Monday, September 17, 2012

About "Looking for Peyton Place"

I gave "Looking For Peyton Place" by Barbara Delinsky 2 stars.  But before I talk about this book we need to back up.  In 1956 Grace Metalious published "Peyton Place".  Set in a small town on the east coast, it followed three women as they came to accept their sexuality.  The book was a huge success, but Grace didn't deal well with it.  She lost most of her money and drank herself to death before she was 40.

If you're familiar with the song "Harper Valley PTA" (which was made into a movie) the singer refers to the book, "This is just a little Peyton Place, and you're all Harper Valley hypocrites!"  Just thought I'd throw that little flashback from my childhood in!

"Looking For Peyton Place" takes place in the mid-2000s.  The main character is much like Grace--who is a hero in the small town this book is set in--and is a writer who couldn't wait to get out of Middle River.  She comes back after her mom dies.  Mom falls down stairs while battling Parkinson's-like symptoms.  Her daughter thinks it's mercury poisoning from the local paper mill.  The story follows her quest to find the answers and save one of her sisters, who has developed symptoms similar to mom's.  There are many referrals to "Peyton Place".  The author does a good job of tying the two books together.  You do not need to read "Peyton Place" to follow this book. 

School Funny

I was helping a 7th grader with a crossword puzzle today.  All of the answers had double letters.  The clue was, "adults often drink this in the morning."  She knew it started with a "c", and before she even thought it through she blurted out, "Cocktail"!  Ummm...NO!  First of all there's no double letter!  I was cracking up!  Love my job!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

For MB--though everyone is invited to enjoy the hilarity!

One of the math teachers in named Mr. Manful.  MB and I have had many a laugh over his name.  The prince had him for math for several semesters and really likes him.  The students put a float together for him this year (maybe he was in on it; I don't know), and the king got a great photo of it at the parade!

Morning After Cheer :)

The Princess cheered the JV game Saturday morning.  The girls were looking pretty tried, but they did a great job!

This game was a nail biter.  The final score was Falcons 49, Bison 47.  So that's another 196 push-ups for the princess!  Wowza!

Homecoming Game 2012!

The goal, of course, is to win the game.  We were playing a team who beat us last year.  I wasn't too optimistic!  Silly me!  Final score was Falcons 49, Bison 0.  And in case you're keeping a push-up tally, that was 196 push-ups!  I heard through the grapevine, though I was never able to confirm it, that the final score of the sophomore game was Falcons 95, Bison 0. Yikes!)  Our coach put in his second string for much of the second half, so everybody got to play, and the score didn't become even more lopsided.  We were FIRED UP!  

For the princess, this night was GREAT because JV and Varsity cheered together.  She actually had a student section to cheer to (most JV games host only parents), and she had a blast.  Their half time show was GREAT, and I'll try to post it here, but I'm pretty sure it's too big.  

After the game there was a dance.  The prince attended but the princess opted out.  She spent the night with her bff instead and then headed to a morning game to cheer some more!  

What I don't have a photo of is the beginning of the game when the Falcons, instead of doing individual introductions of each player, asked to be introduced as a team and then stormed the 50 yard line.  It was great.

Also funny was the announcer at one point, "That was (insert player name here), tackled by a heard of bison."  HILARIOUS!

 This photo was snapped by a professional photographer 
right before the players came on the field.
The princess is back, center.
She got to hold the banner they ripped through.  
She said that's a lot harder than it looks!

 The National Anthem.
It's hard to see in this photo, 
but they each put their  left shoe on top of 
the right shoe of the person standing on their left.  
Even the prince does this!

 My babies!
The princess is the 5th person in line.

 After the big win!

 The team thanking the pep band after the game!

The students are allowed to storm the field after the game.
Check out the helmets in the center!
They let the kids on the field in small groups so no one is injured!
The cheerleaders went first.
The princess said it was quite stinky in the middle of the mayhem!

The Toga

Friday is Toga day for the seniors.  They wait 4 years for this.  The prince went to Good Will to get a sheet--you can see why I wasn't offering up one of ours.  The kids sign each other's sheets and bodies.  Some togas are quite elaborate.  The prince was going for the standard toga.  He was tying it the night before and came up to say that he was having trouble because he wasn't showing enough skin.  I said, "You look good. Any more skin, and your nipple will show."  His reply, "Mom (in that exasperated way), I want it to show.  This is the only time in my high school career that it's allowed to show!"  So he re-worked the toga.  

As a side note:  a friend was telling me that last year when her son was a senior, he left the house with a lot of skin showing under his toga.  She told him she thought he'd probably be asked to put clothes on when he got to school.  He wasn't worried.  Sure enough, by the time she got up to the school for the parade (that was cancelled due to rain), his toga had become nothing more than a big diaper.  That was all he was wearing.  She was mortified, but he was having the time of his life!  I guess the school can only take on so many battles on toga day, and he wasn't one of them!  The prince looked pretty well covered compared to that! 

 Do you see is slightly black eye?
At cheer practice his stunt partner 
kicked him in the face when 
she was coming out of a stunt. 
That's the first time in 3 years 
that he's had that kind of injury!

Homecoming Parade!

Friday is a big day.  They had classes in the morning.  The princess' math teacher even gave them a test.  But after classes there is a pizza feed, class pictures and the big parade.  Last year's parade was rained out.  This year's parade route was changed to include a couple of area schools they could go by.  The schools let the kids come out to watch, and the students rewarded them with lots of candy!  Each class has a float.  Many of the groups/organizations have floats.  The weather was perfect for the parade, and the king got some excellent shots!  Thanks to Grandma for coming out too.

 Here is the senior float.  
Check them all out in their togas!  
Can you spot the prince?

 He's in the center of the float, 
light blue toga, 
seated and waving!

 The princess was part of the cheer float.  
The float is in the background.
Varsity road on the float.
JV walked and passed out candy.

Posing for her dad!

Spirit Week

Homecoming also equals spirit week.  Each day the kids get to dress up in different themes.  Seniors have different themes than the underclassmen.  The kids both dressed up each day.  Because they leave for cheer at 5:45 AM in their work-out clothes, I didn't see them until after school or later each night.  By then they had on the work uniform or cheer outfit or dance outfit, depending on what they had going on each night.  So the photos I have of them were stolen off the internet!  Still, as you can tell, it was a good time!

 Seniors--Spirit Day!

 Seniors-Superhero Day

 Seniors-Gangster Day

 Seniors-Toga Day

Underclassmen-Spirit Day

The had a great, EXHAUSTING, time this week.  I'm pretty sure the princess is planning next year's costumes already!  And thanks to her bff who came through for her with nerd glasses, suspenders, and this cool skirt!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week Night Cheer

Monday the princess cheered a JV football game.  Tuesday it was boys varsity soccer.  Friday it's "all hands on deck" as everyone cheers the varsity football game (homecoming) and does a 1/2 time show.  I think there's another JV football game on Saturday too.  She's getting a workout!  Monday she also got to call the cheers (they alternate this job), and she did a great job!

Are you still over there, taking pictures?

Senior Poster

The cheerleaders had to make posters for ALL the seniors who do fall sports (Football, Soccer, Volleyball, Cross Country, Cheer, Golf--did I miss any?), and they are all hanging in the halls at school this week.  The princess thought that, in the process of making all these posters, they had forgotten to make one for the prince.  So she made this one for him.  Turns out he already had one, so this one made it home.  She said that at cheer practice he's always telling them to, "Lift with your legs"!  I thought it was pretty cute, and awfully nice of her to worry about her brother that way!