Friday, September 7, 2012

I said that??? Yep

The other night the king, princess, and I were talking about when kids should move out of their parents' house.  Is it okay to "give their room away" when they go to college?  How soon can you redecorate?  Do you even want to?  And for the record, when I went to college my freshman year, my room was untouched.  No siblings got to take it over.  My mom didn't turn it into a craft room.  It remained my room...stereo and knick-knacks and brown/orange/yellow blanket (it was the '80's) intact.

The princess said, "I will be out of this house by the time I'm 20.  I will NOT be living here when I am 20."  She seemed pretty sure.  

So I said, "Well, if you're brother's still living here when you're 20, you'll have to take him with you when you move out!"


Silent prayer:  Please, God.  Don't let the 23-year-old be living here when the 20-year-old moves out!


Shelley said...

Adult kids living at home??? Much worse than teenagers....just sayin'! There was much rejoicing when Matt and Becky both moved out the same week a few years ago. LOVE them to pieces, but.........

J said...

I don't know....I like living with C & M. I don't mind if they stay at " our house" :-). I crack myself up sometimes.....
PS it's early morning as I write, so I might not think this is so funny later....

Karen L said...

My kids were going to leave when they were 18 but I think 21 was the average number.I think older is better--they don't come back then except to visit.

Mary Beth said...

I'm pretty sure the oldest one at my house will be out the door quickly but the younger one mine stick around a while.