Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Princess' First Game

The princess cheered her first game Saturday.  They did a great job of cheering, did a couple of builds, and got some sun (she burned her shoulders)!  And the Falcons won!  Here's to a great season! (And she would like you to know that this cheer skirt is too big...we pinned it, but it still hangs funny.  She's hoping to exchange it for a smaller size, but if not, we'll have to hit Grandma up for some fancy seam work.)


J said...

Looks great & fun too! Next time....sunscreen :-)

Mary Beth said...

Great cheering! Must have been good as the team won!

Wendy said...

I think that's a horrible tradition! lol I would not enjoy that whatsoever. #lazyme

Wendy said...

Did MB tell you I cry when I watch cross country running? That should tell you a lot right there. #lazyLAZYme