Thursday, September 20, 2012

Are you blind???

I had a follow-up doctor's appointment today.  A weird throat thing that has ended up being allergies so all is well.  When the doctor walked in the room today he said, "Wow!  You look so much better than you did the last time you were in my office!"  

What?  I saw him 5 weeks ago when it was summer.  Back when I got more sleep.  Back when I had less on my plate.  Back when I had a tan.  And I didn't think I looked THAT bad 5 weeks ago.  But he must have noted it in my chart. 

Is he blind?  It must be the extra layer of make-up I put on this morning trying to disguise the fact that I only got about 5 hours of sleep last night!  He lectured me for 5 minutes last time about getting enough sleep--there is no clinical link between lack of sleep and allergies, but he felt compelled to lecture.  

He invited me to come back a year from now.  I bet I'll look flippin' FANTASTIC by then!

1 comment:

J said...

This is just too funny!