Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Toga

Friday is Toga day for the seniors.  They wait 4 years for this.  The prince went to Good Will to get a sheet--you can see why I wasn't offering up one of ours.  The kids sign each other's sheets and bodies.  Some togas are quite elaborate.  The prince was going for the standard toga.  He was tying it the night before and came up to say that he was having trouble because he wasn't showing enough skin.  I said, "You look good. Any more skin, and your nipple will show."  His reply, "Mom (in that exasperated way), I want it to show.  This is the only time in my high school career that it's allowed to show!"  So he re-worked the toga.  

As a side note:  a friend was telling me that last year when her son was a senior, he left the house with a lot of skin showing under his toga.  She told him she thought he'd probably be asked to put clothes on when he got to school.  He wasn't worried.  Sure enough, by the time she got up to the school for the parade (that was cancelled due to rain), his toga had become nothing more than a big diaper.  That was all he was wearing.  She was mortified, but he was having the time of his life!  I guess the school can only take on so many battles on toga day, and he wasn't one of them!  The prince looked pretty well covered compared to that! 

 Do you see is slightly black eye?
At cheer practice his stunt partner 
kicked him in the face when 
she was coming out of a stunt. 
That's the first time in 3 years 
that he's had that kind of injury!