Thursday, September 20, 2012

Worst OTC so far!

Yesterday I made a reference to MB about it being my worst OTC day so far this school year.  She came here looking for the story.  There isn't one story.  OTC is where the kids come (my room) during their lunch hour to finish the homework they didn't finish--Opportunity To Complete (OTC).  

Yesterday was a bad combination of kids acting at their worst.  One was sent to the hall.  One was sent to the office.  Hall Boy and Office Boy got a detention for their antics.  Others in the room just seemed off their rockers!

When MB asked about it I was already worrying about today's OTC.  Several of the same kids, including Hall Boy and Office Boy were scheduled as were about 40 kids total--I have 27 desks.  But as it turned out, today went much better.  Office Boy didn't even come to my room; he just took himself straight to the office.  And Hall Boy was much better behaved--probably because he feared another detention.  As they all finished their work I let them leave, and by the end of the hour I only had about 20 kids left.  Hall Boy even got his work done and didn't get sent to the hall today!  

I'm tellin' ya.  Ya just never know!

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

Thank goodness it's the end of the week. Hopefully no OTC incidents today.